The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection Otiko Afisa Djaba has given out her official bungalow to house rescued trafficked victims.

Speaking on the Morning Starr with Francis Abban, Friday, the minister said the needs of the deprived are more pressing hence her decision.

“I was living somewhere before I became a minister,” Djaba told host Abban when she was asked where she will be staying henceforth.

She said one of her priorities is to reduce human trafficking drastically. She noted her Ministry in collaboration with stakeholders will provide more shelters for trafficked victims.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Interior, Ambrose Derry has warned that Ghana risks losing millions of dollars in aid if she continues to remain on the tier two watch list of human trafficking.

Speaking during an interaction with the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the Ghana Police Service, he said being ranked on the tier two human trafficking watch list indicates failure in the fight against the menace.

“Should Ghana be ranked for the third consecutive year on the tier two watch list, Ghana stands to lose support by way of aid and guns to the tune of over $600 million,” warned Mr. Derry.

“But more importantly is that,” added the Minister “Ghana would have failed to protect its citizens, children and others from the menace of human trafficking. We are therefore working tirelessly and remain committed to improve Ghana’s ranking.”

According to a TIP report issued in 2014 and 2015 by the US, Ghana is a source, transit and destination for human trafficking and that the exploitation of Ghanaians was more ubiquitous than the transnational trafficking of foreign nationals.

The US thus charged Ghana to end the menace including modern day slavery and child labour as a precondition for a US$650million grant.