In almost every part of the country, there are prostitutes. Often stories are told about Police swoop on their operations as well some of them who are killed in their line of their duty.
The legal status of prostitution in Africa varies widely. It is frequently common in practice, partially driven by the widespread poverty in many sub-Saharan African countries and is one of the drivers for the prevalence of AIDS in Africa.
Prostitutes in Ghana are popularly referred to as “Ashawo” and they are mostly found standing close to traffic lights in some selected locations in Ghana especially Kwame Nkrumah Circle.
Unemployment on the other hand refers to a situation where people who are willing and able to work are not working because of the non-availability of jobs. Some of these women suffer various forms of abuse by their customers and stigmatization by even relatives.
The Women of Dignity Alliance– founded by Sussan Dartey is one of the many groups globally like SWEAT Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Task in South Africa with the goal of providing education and public health services to sex workers.
In this report Starr News’ Abena Owusu Nyamekye captures the stories of the daily struggles of the female sex workers and how they are finding solace in this support group.