Ghana’s private health insurance industry has welcomed a new player.

Operating under the trade name Equity Health Insurance (EHI), it is headed by Elton Afari, a known business leader in the private health insurance ecosystem.

Duly registered as a Private Health Administrator Equity has set out on a journey to become a trusted and well-known brand in the administration of Healthcare in Ghana while continuously improving healthcare access through excellent patient-centric services, in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Built on credentials that are able to stand the test of time, Equity’s entry into the healthcare provider space in Ghana is buoyed by a strategic partnership with clients to deliver a value-added scheme of repute.

With four key pillars of Respect, Integrity, Speed and Empathy, Equity offers product options that are tailor-made for all categories of businesses (big and small corporations) and all levels of employees including individual and family packages.

Equity works with accredited nationwide Health Service Providers (HSPs) who understand the language of comprehensive healthcare solutions.

Equity Health Insurance provides four key premium-based health administration products: EQUITY SHEA, EQUITY OAK, EQUITY MAHOGANY and EQUITY ROSEWOOD.

All four products have been designed to offer comprehensive medical care to members, which include but not limited to hospital consultations, surgeries, dental care, maternity, prescribed drugs and optical care. Clients enjoy competitive packages that cover 99% medical conditions including in-patient and out-patient services.

With a 24-hour operational healthline that puts clients in touch with trained professional health insurance agents, Equity also provides each insured company with an Account Manager who serves as a liaison with Health Service Providers.

Started in 2017 as Equity TPA Limited, Equity Health Insurance is a limited liability company which operates for the benefit of its members as a Private Health administrator. The company is indigenously owned. It received regulatory approval in 2020. The ultimate goal of the organisation is to provide world-class and top-of-the-edge customer service to its clientele while ensuring that quality healthcare is accessible and affordable for all Ghanaians.