It can be argued that cages are needed to keep wild animals safe to prevent them from harming humans, but it is obvious that caging animals deprives them of freedom. Wild animals are therefore expected to be left free in their natural habitats since they are also living beings and deserve basic freedom to roam.

Domestic animals such as dogs, cats, and horse are kept as pets. They are known to protect their owners from harm and serve other important purposes to their owners. Caging animals prevent them from moving and eating freely therefore making them loose their instinct.

According to the English Dictionary an animal is simply defined as something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect. Animals can also be defined as living organisms that feed on organic matter.

A cage is also a place where an animal is confined or restricted to, preventing it from moving freely.

Naturally, animals, like human beings are meant to reproduce by mating and caging them would obviously prevent them from moving freely and getting the opportunity to mate with animals of the opposite sex to reproduce.

Animals have rights just as human beings and should be left freely to explore the beauty of nature, migrate to other places when they want to as well as have the opportunity to play with other animals.

Just as human beings will not want to be confined or restricted to one place, so do animals also feel restricted and unhappy when confined to a cage?

I believe that animals are also living creatures just as human beings and they were equally created by God so they must be given the freedom to move about freely instead of caging them. It is cruel!


Written by: Mikaela Oduro Konadu

A year 6, Pupil of North Hills International School