Today we’d like to introduce you to Sabrina Bradley.

Sabrina, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

My Passion and desire for Skincare & the Beach… or what I call the “Vacation Experience” started when I was young into my teenage years. Skincare was really healing and therapeutic to me. I was adopted so my relationships I made were with “random strangers “I learned young about energy and self-awareness… school was hard since I would say I was dyslexic and focus and time was a struggle at times. When I was in high school, I would pass this store and walk the skincare aisles like I was a kid in a candy story. The packaging, the ingredients all this Beauty Skin and the Goal was to make you flawless. I was so inspired that I loved the process and I could understand it. From then on, I became a “Skincare junkie” working at 14 I was able to purchase my own things. Coming from an adoption home where my adopted Mother, I felt treated me different it was my escape of the pain and emptiness I felt at times. I would read about old skincare remedies that Cleopatra would do or anything from the ancient past the Asian traditions. I learned that I was bi – racial mixed with Asian and a few other things as a young teen. So, to me I was “Finding my roots.”

I battled many identity issue being adopted many times I felt “lost” and depressed. But when I was practicing a facial or anything about the industry it made me happy 😊. Moving forward I moved back to Los Angeles after losing my job home. I was a single mother with a 6-year old little boy who also struggled with emotional and social settings. I felt it was my fault, I blamed myself why my son was acting and behaving in this manner when I was already dealing with so many hardships in life. I came back to LA to make a mark, I felt… I was born here I must be a part of the “California Dream”. When I was young, watching LA on TV, it was shopping the sun everyone was beautiful… No one worked too hard, but they hand $ and they looked happy. Well, I was setting sail to reach for the stars!! I don’t know how but I was always a believer in the universe. I spoke my existence. I knew I had power and influence. I just had to discover my lane in LA. I did the boutique job, model castings here and there acting. Like really, I didn’t come to be a Hollywood Star. I wanted to be behind the scenes my social anxiety and OCD wasn’t having it. So, I went into the lab and said I’m going to finish my esthetician dream and do SKIN. I loved it; I was always getting complements on my skin. So I went that route worked at spas did facials. My house, pasted out cards, offered free facials on Craigslist’s just to get back on. In the mix I was always brewing something up. I made a tonic that help me with break outs on my back, shoulder, and a great bikini maintenance spray Toner. I loved bikinis, I used to own a few lol 😂 before my son but even though I had gained weight I loved my body loved the feeling of soft smooth skin etc. I was golden skin lol. Moving along I met a great friend while on my birthday as she was my server at a restaurant. Something told me to ask her to be my friend. My birthday date laughed at me but something the universe said she must be a part of your world. So, moving forward. We became friends we both loved the beach we bonded since we were both daddy’s girls and had no hang ups when it came to men lol. One day she asked me if I had anything for her breakouts on her chest and arms. I said yes “I made this tonic toner thing.”

She sprayed it loved it and a few days later she said Sabrina you have to share this with the world it’s amazing! I said really what do I call it. I use it for my bikini and back area. I paused and my son said along with me BIKINI BACK!! Yes, that’s it. I remember reading a book by Walt Disney and he said something along the line. Is the key to success is creating something that gives the consumer of a Feeling & they need it! Then I thought about IN & Out… its Simple consumers don’t like too many choices believe it or not being I was ADD. Too many choices made my brain hurt lol 😂. So, I said Fresh Clean Simple!! And Bikini Back ™ was born I started incorporating it into my facials. I got an office space in Inglewood, my 1st Year was all word of mouth. Again, read a book about how Colgate toothpaste was launched via word a mouth. But being I was a late bloomer I knew I had to jump on the social media bandwagon. So, I researched and started @bikinibackk on IG. I got a website. This was actually my 3rd website, but I knew I didn’t have much cash flow, but it was coming. I would write list, few blogs, and take notes on the basic steps for a business. Any time I did some facials and I worked part time else where I would get something for the business. I even bought Staring a Business for Dummies at Good will, I found a lot of things at Good will, Craigslist’s on the side of the road. I was Good and refurbishing things. I was starting to be Happy. I also created a Groupon for my services and things just took off! I wanted people to feel Luxury but not have to pay High luxury cost. One thing I learned is crumbs makes cakes 🎂… who eats a cake in one sitting.

Has it been a smooth road?

Oh yes…I became homeless for 4 months living in LA due to my son acting up and disturbing a family members house old. We were a burden. I had regrets for my son, but I had to learn he was dealing with mental illness. I was raised that there was no such thing of it. But as I grew to understand life and my growth as a woman and parent there was. I had to look at my blueprint. My real mother had me addicted to crack cocaine, I was adopted, molested by an adopted family member. I was a single mother with refusing to have “Baby Mama” drama. I just didn’t have it in me. I raised my son alone with no help.

I was never able to talk or deal with my issues until I turned 30 and coming to LA. I was reborn, LA made me see who I was. I went to mental health I wasn’t ashamed. I had to get to the route of my issues so I could support and be healthy mentally for my son. His issues I realized where a little from me because we only had each other.

So, let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Bikini Back™ & SKIN By Sabrina story. Tell us more about the business.

 Well Bikini Back is a Luxury Body Most created with the Vacation Experience in mind. Helps with Skin inflammation Great for all over the body with Good natural ingredients actually vegan and I didn’t even know it until I broke it down. Raised in the Pacific NW kept me humble and always looking to help people. I would say I would be known for my “Holistic Magic” with my signature “Golden Facial.”

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?

 Yes, with the world. If Social media Influence, my Goal is to reach someone that will take Bikini Back ™ world 🌎 wide to help others feel there Best. We are just one product for retail. My technique as an Esthetician I would say it’s more so wellness and Holistic taking people away from the busy life of Los Angeles.

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