The seven-member Jury in the case in which William Baah, the Assemblyman for Denkyira-Obuasi and some 13 others are standing trial for their respective roles in the lynching of young soldier Major Maxwell Mahama will retire on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 to return their verdict.
Justice Mariama Owusu, a Justice of the Supreme Court presiding over the case as an additional High Court judge, said the Court will sum up the whole trial on Tuesday November 28 after Counsel for the 13th and 14th Accused persons, Patrick Anim Addo concludes his oral submission to the jury on Monday, November 27.
The Court was expected to have supervised the conclusion of the defence lawyers’ oral submissions to the jury on Thursday and Friday, but on both days, the jury was not properly constituted.
However, adjourning the case to Monday, November 27, 2023, Justice Owusu said, Lawyer Patrick Anim Addo is to finish his oral submissions to the jury that day while the court will sum up the trial the following day.
The seven-member jury will then retire to deliberate on their decision and come out with their verdict.
According to EIB Network’s Legal Affairs Correspondent Murtala Inusah, the jury will have to return a majority verdict to have the accused persons punished and their decision would be binding on the court.
All the accused persons were present.
Major Maxwell Mahama, was lynched at Denkyira Obuasi (now New Obuasi) in the Central region in May 2017 when he was mistaken as an armed robber.
William Baah, the Assemblyman for Denkyira Obuasi and 13 others are facing various charges ranging from abetment, conspiracy and murder and are standing trial.
So far, the parties have closed their evidence and are orally giving their final addresses to the jury.
Source: Ghana/ Inusah