The Ashanti Region played host to the outdooring of the newest outlook of Eagle Stout when it was unveiled to a rousing welcome in the central Business District of the garden city, Kumasi.

The launch blended in breathlessly with the rich cultural heritage of the kingdom of gold and cultural legacy when Accra Brewery PLC. Served Asanteman, their favored Eagle Stout in an all new bottle of royalty.

The magnificence of a new design emboldened with a touch of bright gold invokes an overpowering aura of majesty as the Stout cements its market lead in the alcoholic beverages industry.

Eagle Stout continues to define the ingenuity of creativity and originality to indigenous roots; carefully blending in locally sourced cassava and maize with Caramel, Hops and flavors to produce a full flavored and full strength stout.

Its contribution to local farmers, improving their livelihoods with assured market and enhanced incomes has undoubtedly been rewarded by revelers making it the alcoholic beverage of choice for diverse occasions, hangouts, ceremonies and festivals of class.

Shedding more light on the idea generation stages of the brand’s new looks, Country Marketing Lead with Accra Brewery PLC., Vanessa Kavi reiterated the companies drive for innovation, a trait that is engrained in ITS long standing history of resilience, adaptation and steady growth.

She pointed out, “Accra Brewery as a company truly believes in continuous development. We truly believe in innovation being the great unlock for growth.”

Vanessa was excited about the attributes of Gold depicted in the all new bold label of the Dark Hues of Eagle Stout.

“Black really goes well with gold but gold is also a great representation of our national heritage. So incorporating Gold into the new label represents our national pride and the heritage of this nation,” Vanessa exuded.

She encouraged lovers of Eagle Stout to embrace the rewards of strength, affordability and value for money that Eagle Stout presents.

“Eagle has always been for the hardworking man after a hard day’s work. The whole brand is just about strength and reward after putting in a lot of work.”

“Eagle Stout is about value for money. ITS REALLY ABOUT BINDING a rich flavor stout at an affordable price so you can enjoy yourself on any day without worrying about money,” she praised.

District Manager – Accra Brewery PLC. Collins Mpiani disclosed that the company will be embarking on a series of activations to present the refreshing outlook to loyal customers while assuring them that the same original taste of Eagle Stout popularly known by many as Eagle Black has not changed.

He insisted, “We have gone into our wardrobe to change our outfit. It’s still the same stout, it is still smooth; it is still flavored. We know anywhere you go within the Ashanti Region and beyond, it is the preferred choice of consumers. It is a brand they have come to welcome very well,”

“We will be running some activations in town for consumers to taste it to see it is their own old Eagle Stout. we will be doing so in Kumasi, Krofrom, and Ahodwo where we will be selling 2 for twelve cedis instead of fourteen cedis,” he disclosed.

Assuring patrons of availability, he noted that the company was working with Fifty-six distributors from Ashanti to the North of Ghana with five distributors in the Ashanti Region doing redistribution to Points of Consumption.

The launch took on a festive turn when people who walked in were treated to a scratch and win promotion affording them the opportunity to take home free beer, T-Shirts and other souvenirs Accra Brewery PLC.

Source: Ghana/ Heathcote – Fumador