Hundreds of aggrieved nurses on Monday spent the night at the premises of the Ministry of Health after picketing at the ministry to demand their posting.

The over 900 nurses have been jobless since they completed their national service in August last year.

The psychiatry and general nurses are also demanding that the Health Minister is sacked for allegedly failing to honour a promise to employ them after a series of meetings.

Vice President of the group, Derrick Owusu in an interview with Starr News said they will continue to stay at the premises of the Health Ministry until they are posted.

According to Owusu, despite several attempts to get the government to fulfil their campaign promise to ensure their postings when elected nothing has been done about their situation so far.

Owusu told Starr News that if their demands are not met they will move their protest to the Flagstaff House to catch the attention of the President.