On the 1st day of July 2017, I got onboard an Ethiopian Airline (Boeing 777 LR 200), flight number E921 en route to Addis Ababa for the 29th Assembly of member States of the African Union. The five hours, 55 minutes flight was airborne at about 12:45pm local time in Accra and by extension, 15:45pm in Addis Ababa.


At about 10:45pm local time in Addis Ababa, flight number E 921 touched down. As is customary of International flights with VVIPs, all passengers onboard has to endure a little wait while the very important persons the rest of us were privileged to fly with disembark for purposes of their safety and security. A 30 minutes wait sufficed to get the dignitaries to safety.


Having successfully disembarked, the next obvious procedure was to go their admission processes and security checked. Going through this process drew my attention quickly to the fact that Ethiopians are oriented to be suspicious of everyone and everything without exception. Guess what, throughout my five days stay in Ethiopian, all events, movements, group engagements and personal engagements I made to all intent and purposes proved me right and confirmed the first impression I had.


After completing customs formalities, the team was admitted into Addis Ababa. Traditionally, I thought that was it, but no, there was more to come. Security scanners positioned at the last point of entry into Addis Ababa have to double validate our admission into the accident city. Perhaps, the evidence of my first impression was still hunting me and the team members. It was thus after the recheck and double scan of our luggage, communication gadgets and work tools that full cleared us to enter the lions kingdom.


Staff of the Ghanaian embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopian demonstrated great understanding of the terrain and preparedness to host the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his entourage who were attending the 29th African Union Summit. The liaison work between Ethiopian officials and their Ghanaian counterparts has been efficiently planned and rehearsed. With a space of 10 minutes after enduring multiple security checks at the hands of entry clearance officers of Ethiopia, the team was en route to our hotel, Jupiter Hotel, and o yes, it’s a hotel on planet earth and guess what, the team had to go through another process of thorough security checks and scans before we were admitted into Jupiter.


It was agreed between the Ghanaian embassy staff and the media team from Ghana that we will depart our hotel at 9am prompt to complete the conference registration process. These process was extremely important and it was in our interest to avail ourselves to complete it and that we did. However, this phase of registration done at a separate location for the summit grounds was just a part of the registration process. The last phase was carried out at the African Union office where the summit was to take place. Thankful, the team survived the process.


President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo was scheduled to arrive at about 6:30pm local time in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The media team processed to the Addis Ababa Bole international airport two hours ahead of the time of arrival and guess what, accessing the VIP section of the was even more and more complicated. The suspicion level was more heightened and the decision to proceed to the airport two hours ahead of time was simply just the right choice. The President soon arrived and was received by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, AU officials and Ghana’s embassy officials in Addis. After about ten minutes of interaction the President’s already prepared motorcade left the Airport en route to the Sheraton Hotel were the President was to be hosted.


At exactly 7am local time in Addis, the team departed the Jupiter Hotel to the AU headquarters. The 29th AU summit was here with us. Traditionally, the summit always begins with a photography section where all participating Heads of State take their positions at the entrance to the Nelson Mandela Plenary Hall for journalists from the African Continent and the rest of the world to capture images of the individual Heads of State and also as a group. After 10 minutes before the cameras, all the participating Leaders went into a closed session to adopt the Agenda for the summit. After successfully adopting the Agenda for the summit, the African leaders made their way to the plenary hall for the opening ceremony to commence.



“Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in the Youth”
Presentation and Moderation of the Theme of the Summit by H.E. Mr. Idriss Deby Itno, President Of The Republic Of chad, Leader On The AU theme of The Year 2017


1. Consideration Of The Report Of The Peace And Security Council On Its Activities And The State Of Peace And Security In Africa
2. Consideration Of The Report of The Peace And Security Council Of The African Union On The Implementation Of The Master Roadmap Of Practical Steps To Silence The Guns In Africa By The Year 2020
3. Report Of H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President Of The People’s Democratic Republic Of Algeria, Leader On The Thorny Issue Of Combatting Terrorism And Violent Extremism In Africa


President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe presented a cheque of one million dollars toward capacitating of the African Union Foundation. Mr. Mugabe made a pledge last year during the meeting of African Heads of State to donate 300 cattle from his farm back home for auction in order for the proceeds to be used to strengthen the AU Foundation and to wean it from donor support.

In a short speech ahead of the presentation of the cheque of 1million dollars, President Mugabe said it is his expectation that his modest gesture will challenge the rest of his colleagues to find sustainable ways of contributing to the financial independence of the African Union Foundation and the African Union in general.

Mr. Mugabe on a lighter side joked about how the cows he auctioned to raise the funds were seen by him and all his officials and how that the cows of different sizes mooed all the four main musical part soprano, treble), alto, tenor, and bass as they were led to be sold.


The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), named the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, as the “AU Gender Champion” for 2017. The award drew lot of commendation for the President from his colleagues. In making the announcement on the floor of the Nelson Mandela Plenary hall, the President of Guinea, His Excellency Prof. Alpha Condé, who is also the Chairperson of the African Union, explained that the decision taken by UNECA to confer this award on President Akufo-Addo is in recognition of his efforts in gender equality at continental level. With the President being in office for six months, receiving such as international award was perhaps a sign of things to come.



I had the privilege of meeting George Ola Davies (GOD) at the Jupiter hotel reception, a well renowned and senior journalist on the African continent. The Sierra Leonean born journalist has a rich experience on African issues and widely respected on the continent. It was such an honour to meet with him. Typical of him, he told me a story of how that his middle name “Ola” has over the years decided people to think that he is a Nigerian. Hope to see him again sometime soon.From the Jupiter Hotel, the team took a 10 minutes journey to join the President’s motorcade to the National Palace of Ethiopia. The President as scheduled to pay a courtesy call on the President of Ethiopia. However, the President instead chose to first go to the AU headquarters to engage in what officials of the Presidency describe as very important. The media team had to take the lead to the Palace to await the arrival of the President.


Ghana and Ethiopia decided to revive their over half a century old relationship.  The West African country and East African country have a long standing cordial political and diplomatic relations that is yet to be strengthened economically.

The two leaders, President Akufo Addo and Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe, came to this conclusion at the National Palace in Ethiopia when the Ghanaian leader paid a courtesy call on the Ethiopian Prime Minister.
Addressing the Press after holding talks with the Ethiopian Prime Minister, President Akufo Addo says he decided to take time off the schedules of the 29th AU Summit to introduce himself to the Ethiopian Leader. He added that Ghana will take immediate steps to establish strong economic ties with its East African counterpart and also seek to learn from Ethiopia how they have gone about the economic transformation and infrastructural development currently ongoing in their country.


The President appended his signature to eight Treaties, Protocols and Charters of the African Union, on the side-lines of the 29th AU Summit in the presence of Mrs. Amira ElFadil, the Commissioner for Social Affairs.
The Treaties are; the Constitution for the African Civil Aviation Commission; Protocol on the establishment of the African Monetary Fund; the African Union Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection; and the Road Safety Charter. The rest are; Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of older persons; Statute of the African Minerals Development Centre Statute of the Pan African Intellectual Property Organization; and the African Union Convention on Cross-Border Co-operation.


Shortly after the President’s visit to the National Palace of Ethiopia and the signing of the AU treaties, the President joined the closing ceremony of the summit which was held in closed doors. State Protocol officials then disclosed that due to pressing issues and events back home in Ghana, the President’s return flight on the Presidential plane has been rescheduled to 3pm instead of 6pm local time in Addis Ababa. In view of the rather complex security checks to be administered if team is to go and see the President off, we had to “rush” to the Bole airport so we can capture the President’s departure. At exactly 3:15pm local time, President Akufo Addo was airborne enroute back home. The burden on Ghana’s Ethiopia embassy officials in hosting the President had just been lifted and it as perhaps “Our day” for the rest of the team together with the embassy officials.


I guess I was right about the phase “our day” because the team in the company of Embassy staff drove straight to a local Nigerian restaurant “African Lodge”. The team satisfied their 5 days stay away from local dishes.


The return flight was scheduled for 8:00am local time in Addis. The team hurriedly left the Jupiter Hotel just a little before 6am in order to meet the internationally accepted custom of checking in 2 hours before an international flight. However, our flight was delayed for an hour. At 11:08am flight number E921 touched down at Kotoka international airport.


At the final press conference held in Addis Ababa, the AU Commission (AUC) Chairperson H.E. Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat said the summit focused on three main issues:Institutional reform of the African Union – H.E. President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, who is the leader of the reform team presented a report to his fellow Heads of State and Government. In its decisions, the Assembly agreed to expedite the reform process, taking into account the inputs received from member states.

Theme of the year 2017 “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth”. Strong commitments were made to promote the youth. The summit also discussed migration and employment. In this regard, a presentation was made by H.E. President Idris Deby Itno of Chad, who is the Leader on the AU theme of the year. His Excellency updated the summit on the various initiatives undertaken across the continent in line with theme.

Peace and security- the AUC Chairperson, H.E. Mr Moussa Faki Mahamat said that Africa would continue to do its best to Silence the Guns by 2020 and to speak with one voice on major peace and security issues, especially through agreed common positions. Throughout the summit, which started on the 27th of June, the AUC Chairperson emphasized on the need for the continent to give priority to conflict prevention and anticipation. He called upon the regional groupings and mechanisms to intensify their actions, in close cooperation with the relevant bodies of the African Union.

During the closing ceremony, two Commissioners of the AUC were sworn into office. They are H.E. Ms. Agbor Sarah Mbi Enow Anyang of Cameroun who was elected to the post of Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology and H.E Mr. Victor Harison of Madagascar who was elected as Commissioner for Economic Affairs. In addition 3 members were elected to the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption and another 4 were elected as members of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights.

Liberia’s President H.E. Ms. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf gave her final address to the African Union Assembly before her country proceeds to elections to elect a new head of state. She thanked the African Union for its support in the fight against Ebola. “In challenging times when we were faced with the Ebola virus, the solidarity of the African Union was phenomenal”, she said. Her Excellency highlighted the role played by the 855 African health workers from various African nations who went to provide support in the three affected countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.


My trip to Addis Ababa can best be described as fantastic. A trip with the President outside the Ghanaian jurisdiction is and will always be an opportunity to observe, to engage and to learn. God bless our Homeland Ghana and make Her Great and Strong.