Appiah Akenten-Menka
Appiah Akenten-Menka

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has expressed sadness over the demise of party stalwart Appiah Akenten Menka.

Appiah Menka died Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at the age of 84.

He was a private legal practitioner and served as a Minister of State in the Second Republic.

In a statement, the NPP said the legendary contributions, both financially and otherwise, to the fortunes of the NPP, cannot be overemphasized, adding that “we have indeed lost a father and a mentor.”

The statement signed by acting General Secretary of the party John Boadu added that as a mark of respect in honour of his memory, “the NPP directs that all party flags in the respective regions and constituencies should be flown at half-mast for the next seven days.”

Below if the full statement

The NPP is utterly shocked and saddened by the demise of the venerable Appiah Akenten Menka, a founding father of the party and Chairman of the party’s Council of Elders in the Ashanti Region.

Undoubtedly, the legendary contributions of the Late Private Legal Practitioner and business tycoon, both financially and otherwise, to the fortunes of the NPP, cannot be overemphasized. We have indeed lost a father and a mentor.

The party commiserates first and foremost, with his immediate family and friends, the Ashanti Regional party and the rest of the nation for such incalculable loss. We stand with the family in these difficult times and would provide them the needed support as deserving of a hero.

As a mark of respect in honour of his memory, the NPP directs that all party flags in the respective regions and constituencies should be flown at half-mast for the next seven days.

May the soul of our dearly departed find rest in God’s bosom and May the family he left behind and indeed all of us find fortitude to bear this great loss.



General Secretary (Ag)


Source: Ghana/