Former president John Mahama
Former president John Mahama

The former president, John Dramani Mahama says the flagbearership position of the party will be decided by God ahead of the 2020 general elections.

Addressing NDC supporters in Kumasi in the Ashanti region Saturday during the party’s Unity Walk, Mahama said “God himself will choose someone to lead us. And I know that when that person is selected, by the grace of God, we will be victorious in the 2020 election.”

The former president who is eligible to contest the 2020 presidential elections has not declared his intention to contest yet but several party stalwarts have declared their support for him and have urged him to contest.

Several members of the NDC have declared their intention to contest for the flagbearership slot of the party. They include 2nd Deputy Speaker, Alban Bagbin, Prof. Joshua Alabi and former NHIS Boss Sylvester Mensah.

Ahead of Saturday’s walk, the founder of the NDC Jerry John Rawlings stated that the NDC is on the verge of breaking up over what he calls “reports of malpractices and abuse of process” in the party’s ongoing branch executive elections across various regions.

A statement by the former President stated that as a result of reports of election malpractices, party Chairman, Kofi Portuphy, General Secretary Asiedu Nketia and Vice Chairman of the Council of Elders, Alhaji Iddrisu Mahama were summoned to a meeting in his office on Friday, April 27, 2018 to discuss the development.

The statement, however, disclosed that “Mr Portuphy could not attend the meeting because he has been hospitalized” and that Alhaji Mahama did not show up because he could not be reached.

Mr. Rawlings during the meeting drew the attention of the Asiedu Nketia to the serious complaints and petitions emanating from the elections and the potential damage to the party if no action is taken to rectify the wrongs.

According to the statement, Mr. Nketia confirmed at the meeting that he had already directed some elections to be cancelled and re-conducted in some of the areas he had toured.