Two feuding factions in a protracted chieftaincy dispute at Akyem Osiem in the Eastern region clashed for the second time Thursday evening.

Several people were reportedly injured in Thursday’s bloody clashes, according to an eyewitness.

The renewed clashes occurred after the Queenmother, Obaapanyin Akosua Atwimaa Nyarkoa I and her thugs violently took over the Chief’s Palace.

The second clashes occurred few hours after a similar incident in the morning at about 8am when the Queenmother I, led eight men in a hired taxi cab with registration number GW 5311-13 to invade the Osiem Palace.

Without any explanation the Queenmother and her thugs started breaking into rooms in search of the black stool which they finally took possession of but an alarm was raised by the Abusua Panyin, Opanyin Kofi Amoah.

When the well-built men together with the Queenmother attempted to bolt with the black stool, the other faction attacked and smashed both windscreen of a taxi cab used by the thugs.

The timely intervention of the Police and reinforcement team helped to prevent any casualty.

The Akyem Osiem Palace was smeared with human faeces some years back in similar clashes.


Source: Ghana/ Ansah