The Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye, has recalled Members of Parliament from recess to enable the House consider some urgent parliamentary business.

The lawmakers are expected to appear on the floor on Thursday, 26 April 2018.

A statement signed by the Speaker of Parliament, stated that “In Exercise of the Power conferred on the Speaker by order 42(3) of the standing orders of the parliament of Ghana, I, Right Honourable Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye, Speaker of Parliament, do hereby direct that parliament shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, be recalled from the recess to sit from Thursday, the 26th Day of April to Friday, the 27th day of April 2018, at Ten O’clock in the forenoon each day, at Parliament House, Accra, to consider some urgent parliamentary business.” has gathered that the Speaker has recalled the Lawmakers for the consideration and ratification of the African continental free trade area agreement.

Ghana is hoping to host the secretariat for the free trade organization.

Parliament went on recess on Friday, March 23 and was expected to reconvene on Tuesday, May 15, 2018.


Source: Ghana/