Forty-nine (49) bills including the affirmative action bill are to be presented for the first time in parliament as the House resumes sitting today after a break for the Easter celebrations.

The second session of the second meeting of the seventh parliament will see members work on a number of the bills including the Right to Information bill.

The Appointments Committee of Parliament will also screen President Nana Akufo-Addo’s nominee for Deputy Special Prosecutor, Ms Jane Cynthia Naa Torshie Lamptey.

Other bills which will be considered include:

-Ghana Railway Development Bill, 2018
-Occupational Safety and Health Bill, 2018
-National Commission for Tertiary Education Bill, 2018
-Renewable Energy (Amendments) Bill, 2018
-Creative Arts Bill, 2018
-Disability Bill, 2018
-Ghana Meteorological Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2018


Source: Ghana/