The Eastern Regional Chairman of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Augustine Michael Owusu has slammed politicians for “cheating” public sector workers, a situation he said has left most workers in a state of poverty.

According to him, the end of service benefits given to politicians after every four years is woefully disproportionate to what public sector workers receive after several years of service to the country as retirement package.

“There is a category of people in the country who are enjoying End of Service benefits (ESB) to the maximum. After working for four years, they are given mouth-watering End of Service Benefit. As a result, a lot of people spend millions to become MPs, Ministers and DCEs/MCEs,” he stated with a call for the reintroduction of the ESB to Ghanaian workers.

“So you will agree with me that animal farm persists in our country. I am not telling governments to give workers everything but workers should be given what they deserve not 10% or 11% annual salary increase,” he added.

According to him, Ghanaian workers despite their commitment to the country have not been treated fairly over the years by successive governments.

“Workers continue to live from hand to mouth, sourcing loans upon loans and killer overdraft. The situation becomes more serious when they go on retirement because of their scanty salaries. The Money they receive during pension years is nothing to write home about. It cannot keep body, soul and spirit together. Their birth right was taken away from them, when the End of Year Service Benefit (ESB) they used to enjoy ended on 31st December, 1990,” he bemoaned.

The Regional TUC Chairman said this Tuesday while addressing Workers at the May Day celebration held at Koforifua Jackson Park on the theme “Sustainable Development Goals and Decent Work; The role of social partners.”

The Eastern Regional Minister, Eric Kwakye Darfuor said government is committed to the creation of decent jobs through the one-one -factory, planting for Food and Jobs and many other interventions aimed at reducing unemployment.

He revealed that an Agro processing Plant Company is expected to be established at Aburase near Begoro in the next few weeks. He said the factory will produce 100 metric tons of cassava per day and will employ many unemployed youth while adding value to agriculture.

He also said, 54 project proposals have been approved for the Region’s 1D1F.

In a related development, 55-year-old Felix Larbi with the TUC was adjudged regional best worker 2018.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah