The sex word of the day was “VASOPRESSIN”, and it suddenly became a tongue twister for our panel and host on our most loved sex show known as Duvet on GHONE TV

What is Vasopressin?

This is a hormone that increase erectile response in the male sexual reproduction arousal. It actually encourage sexual motivation and decreases to baseline after ejaculation.

It also promotes the retention of water by the kidneys and increase blood pressure.  For women, the hormone is oxytocin

 How to increase the SEX CONNECTION

  • Knowing the love language of your partner (words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, act of service etc.)
  • Ensuring you have great body odour at all times
  • Spontaneous tips, gifts  and dates with your loved one
  • Communication is an obvious item for lovers and married persons
  • Wearing sexy lingerie as a woman for your partner

DUVET airs on GHOne TV (DStv Channel 361 and GO TV Channel 179) on Thursdays 9.30pm, with a repeat on Saturdays at 10pm.

DUVET is sponsored by Carnival Strawberry Liqueur, Fiesta Condoms, and Beautiful Beneath lingerie

Source: Ghana/ By: Selassie E-L Tettey