Job security is essential  as it allows the comfort of living our lives in whatever fashion we’ve become accustomed to. A good job, means money to not only survive but flourish, offering a quality of life based on what we earn.

Suddenly your company decides to downsize, or your position no longer is relevant, or the business goes under. You suddenly find yourself being retrenched, and this can be especially difficult if this happens in a job you have been doing for many years.

Below are ways to handle retrenchment:

  1. Be honest to those around you about your retrenchment – don’t try to hide it.
  2. Don’t waste your time questioning why you were retrenched rather than someone else. More importantly, don’t blame yourself.
  3. Start networking immediately (both online via social networks and in the real world). Don’t withdraw yourself from society or potential opportunities.
  4. Use the opportunity to further your skills. If your finances permit, then register for a course or trade. Alternatively, volunteer your services in areas where you might be able to learn new skill.
  5. Seek financial advice and plan the use of your severance package. Budget carefully. This isn’t the time for elaborate vacations or retail therapy.
  6. Get your CV up to date as soon as possible, register on job-seeking websites such as and make your CV active and searchable so that companies can find you.
  7. Start applying for as many jobs as possible for which you have the required skills. Write your covering letters with careful consideration and thought, rather than simply using a template.
  8. Remember to highlight where you can add value to the position you’re applying for. Show you’re dedicated, skills and committed.
  9. Find people to talk to, both regarding the legal and business side of your situation, but most importantly, people you can simply vent with and can comfort you during this challenging time. You are not alone, and if you find yourself feeling truly helpless, there are always people you can call. Be strong, this too will pass.


Source: Ghana/ files from