Sexuality nowadays has become one of the fundamental basic to consider in a relationship.

Sex is one of the elements which can determine the lifetime of a relationship. Research has shown that having sex three times a week will make you look between 7 and 12 years younger.

Sex is good, that’s all. When you have worked on your blockages and limiting thoughts related to sexuality, it becomes fulfilling and helps you feel better.

There is obviously a hormonal part where oxytocin (attachment hormone) is secreted after sexual intercourse and endorphin increases the feeling of well-being.

The moments of sexual intimacy with our partner lightens the heart and radiates every day.

Sex is a way of opening yourself to your partner. It is a mode of communication. When we share sexuality with our partner, we give him the key to privileged access to our intimacy.

If it is difficult to open in this way, it is possibly because something is wrong with the relationship.

The higher the level of happiness in the couple, the more lovers will want to get closer. And the closer they get, the higher their level of happiness will be.

Sex is also a way to move away from roommate. As time goes by, a couple who moves away from their sex life gets closer to being a roommate.

Often, the more passion was intense in the beginning, the more passivity prevails over the years. Why? Because the partners have taken everything for magic and think that everything works alone.

However, it is not so and a couple inevitably needs effort to perpetuate the sexual flame. If you wait for the desire to come from the sky by magic, it is possible that you wait a long time.

Sex is something that both male and female do not have to neglect in a relationship because it will beget infidelity that would lead to a break-up in a relationship or divorce in a marriage.

Source: Ghana/ Gnessote