Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

A Political Science Lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Dr Kwesi Amakye Boateng has commended Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia’s ability to speak to facts and data in his political analysis.

The Vice President on Monday responded to former President Mahama’s numerous comments against the government over its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by reminding Mr. Mahama how official data proves how he mismanaged the economy during his time as President, and also daring him to show one mitigating measure to cushion Ghanaians and businesses during the 4-year dumsor crisis under his presidency.

Dr. Bawumia’s stinging response has irked the rank and file of the NDC and they have since launched scathing attacks on his person.

Contributing to Metro TV’s Good Evening Ghana Program hosted by Paul Adom Otchere last night, Dr Amakye said it is unfortunate that people resort to personal attacks when facts and ideas are being discussed.

“That is not what is needed now. These are ideas and the ideas are about contesting one another and then facts also come out to tell the record of what everyone has done,” the Lecturer told the host.

He added that Dr. Bawumia speaks to facts and data and until those who want to respond to him also come with facts and data for a comparitive analysis, the Vice President will continue to point out issues.

“The significant thing is that he (Dr. Bawumia) speaks to data. So not until people are able to come out to challenge the facts, the data that he puts out, he is going to visit these issues,” Dr. Amakye noted.

The lecturer also disagreed with those saying the Vice Preaident erred by responding to the former Preaident and making a comparative analysis of how Mahama responded to the Dumsor crisis and how Nana Akufo-Addo is responding to the Coronavirus crisis.

He said as long as former President Mahama remains a candidate for the December elections and has been campaigning shrewdly, analysis and scrutiny of his record while in government is a must.

“One significant factor that we can’t run away from is that President Mahama has a record there. He has been in office before and whether people like it or not, his records are there and you can’t help but do comprisons with them,” Dr. Amakye said.

“When you manage the economy in respecct of COVID-19 it is governance. When you manage the econony in respect of energy challenges, it is governance.”

“So over there, comprisons can be made. How did one go about making judicious use of the nation’s scarce resource in respect of COVID-19 and in respect of energy crisis. Yes, there is ground for one to make comparison.”