Monday, May 25 has been a public holiday to mark the Eid-al-Fitr celebrations by Muslims, the government has declared.

The day marks the celebration by Muslims worldwide to mark the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting.

“The general public is hereby notified that Sunday, 24th May 2020 marks EID-AL-FITR which is a Statutory Public Holiday.

“However,  24th May 2020 falls on a Sunday and by Executive Instrument {E.I}, His Excellency,  the President of the  Republic of Ghana, in accordance with section 2 of the  Public Holidays and Commemorative  Days  Act,  2001  (601)  has declared Monday,  25th May 2020 as a Public Holiday and should be observed as such throughout the country,” a statement by the Ministry of Interior stated.

Source: Ghana/