Social media allows one to present a glossy and perfected version of one’s self to others, and often one which may be far from one’s reality. This is especially true for brands. In today’s modern age, there is a temptation to show your customers only what you want them to see, rather than being authentic and honest with them. But according to one of London’s top jewelers, Dovid P Fehler, if you genuinely want to earn your customer’s loyalty, then you have to be true and embrace transparency.

Dovid P Fehler has built his name within the jewelry industry on transparency and honesty. In contrast to how many other brands use Instagram as a smokescreen to lure followers in, Fehler utilizes the platform as a way to be totally transparent with his audience. He shares that his social media popularity was founded upon the desire to give customers an inside view of the diamond industry and allow them to become educated and informed on every aspect of diamonds. According to Fehler, by being honest with your customers, you build up a level of trust with them that eventually leads to them developing strong brand loyalty. “Any money spent is an investment,” he explains. “People want to know what their investment can bring them exactly, and transparency allows you to assure your clients of what they can expect if they invest in your brand.”

Dovid P Fehler’s allegiance with leaders in the world diamond market allows him to offer a greater selection of diamonds than most, providing a vast range of choices for his customers. He shares that this is an essential element of transparency, as it affords customers the power of choice and the space to make informed decisions rather than feeling pressured into a purchase. According to Fehler, respecting your customer this way is the best way to build lasting loyalty.

With over 55k followers on Instagram, Dovid P Fehler has harnessed the power of transparency, and he encourages other brands and entrepreneurs in search of loyal customers to embrace honesty and authenticity.