Social media has become one of the most effective mediums for promoting your brand, service, or product. The new and old age of successful entrepreneurs has realized the paradigm shift in the market. The conventional way of advertising and marketing will slowly but surely be deemed irrelevant in the near future. Max Andrew Smith is one such entrepreneur who has been successful in founding his business around social media. He realized that social media is the number one way to advertise and market in the modern digital world.

Born and raised in Brighton, UK, Max Andrew Smith was always drawn to entrepreneurship. He started by reselling sneakers and clothing for brands such as Yeezy, Supreme, and Jordan. To progress through the business world, he went to the University of Brighton to study International Business. He used the student loans to fund his new businesses. After many failed attempts at running different ventures, he launched his social media business. Being undeterred by failure was his secret to being successful. He says that “failure will teach you things that could lead to a million successful roads.” He always believed in himself and never wanted to be stuck in an office from 9 to 5. His pursuit into the social media business was a drawn inspiration from what one of his friends was also doing. He says that it is true that your circle defines, to an extent, what you become in the future.

According to Max Smith, social media is the fastest, most cost-effective medium for marketing goods and services. It becomes strategically effective to use social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to reach a mass target audience. It helps to get more eyeballs on your products and services. The firm that Max Smith founded helps manage the social media pages of companies and talents professionally. Most companies or individuals have no time or expertise to handle their platform in a way that would direct the target audience to it. With Max Andrew Smith, the companies and talents can focus on their products and their crafts. Max’s company has amassed millions of followers for its clients, turning its business into a six-figure enterprise.

Max Andrew Smith understood the changing dynamics in the market and based his business across the social media model. He advises any young entrepreneurs to recognize the opportunities in the market and never let failure be a deterrent.