The Ashanti regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Patriotic Party Bernard Antwi Bosiako known popularly as Chairman Wontumi says Ghana is currently better than the United States of America and the United Kingdom because of the governance of President Akufo-Addo.

According to him, the progress Ghana has seen since the NPP won power in 2016 has been unprecedented.

“Ghana is now better than United States, Ghana is better than UK because of the development Akufo-Addo is bringing to Ghanaians, everyone can see it,” he said at the party’s ongoing National Delegates Conference in Kumasi.

Ahead of the conference, President Akufo-Addo has challenged members of the party to prove to Ghanaians that they understand democracy.

“The party is having its national delegates conference. Some people want to tempt us but they cannot match us. We have what it takes to make us achieve what we want. The person you choose to succeed me will become President after I leave office. All Ghanaians are observing the conference. I am pleading with you all to be disciplined. I also want you all to show unity among ourselves,” the President said this at Juaben in the Ashanti Region when he commissioned the party’s constituency office complex.

He added: “Let’s comport ourselves to ensure everything goes on smoothly. No party has been able to do what we have been able to do by organizing constituency, and national delegates conferences. We are also proving to Ghanaians that we are pioneers of democracy. I am therefore appealing to you all to be disciplined especially as it is happening in our stronghold.”


Source: Ghana/