Everyone wants healthy teeth and a sparkly smile, but this takes a lifetime of care. Taking necessary steps to ensure that you take care of your teeth is crucial to preventing dental problems. This starts with having the right oral care products and dental care routine.

Dr. Tyler Brady, a leading cosmetic dentist, explains that dental care starts with making conscious efforts to get into an excellent oral hygiene routine. All it takes is a few adjustments here and there, and you can quickly refine your dental health. Dr. Brady recommends the following tips to help you take charge of your dental hygiene.

Brush twice daily and brush enough

It is incredibly tempting to go to bed or fall asleep without brushing your teeth. This leaves your teeth vulnerable to bacteria from the residue of everything you’ve eaten during the day. This is why you should brush your teeth properly before going to bed and at least once more. Dr. Brady also adds that you should always brush your teeth for at least two minutes.

Use a proper toothbrush and technique

Most people don’t realize that there is a right and a wrong way to brush your teeth. On the list of no-no’s are stiff toothbrushes. Dr.Brady stresses the importance of a soft-bristled brush. He recommends brushing your gum line at a 45-degree angle. It is also important to brush all sides of your teeth and not forget your tongue.

While on toothbrushes, Dr. Brady also notes that you should consider the handle type, head size, and whether it is manual or electric.

Remember to floss

Flossing is the bane of most people’s existence, but it is necessary for good dental hygiene. It is important to floss daily and also ensure that you are flossing the right way. The recommended way to floss is using about 18 inches of floss wrapped around your middle fingers and leaving 1-2 inches. Gently floss and be thorough.

Clean your toothbrush thoroughly and change it often

After every brushing session, it is essential to clean your toothbrush thoroughly. Remember also to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. If you’ve had a dental illness, it is crucial that you replace your toothbrush once you recover.

See your dentist

At least twice a year, see your dentist to get a checkup and cleanings. Even with the best daily routine, it is important to visit the dentist so that they can spot any creeping issues early enough.