President of the Public Health Association (GHA), George Amofah revealed that most men are developing health problems because of over-reliance on aphrodisiac.

He therefore urged men to go for proper diagnosis before attempting to cure erectile dysfunction problems.
Speaking on the Horizon segment of the Morning Starr he said,” In 2015, the FDA came out to revoke licenses of stakes of those herbal medicines. This is because they tested quite a number of them and found many of the orthodox medicine for erectile dysfunction mixed with them in various concentrations.

We don’t only look at the efficacy, the efficacy is that you have taken a leave and you get the arousal today. What happens 10 years later”.

“Some of the safety issues are extremely dangerous so you must have a reason for that. if there is an underlining cause of your problem lets deal with the underlining cause. Is it diabetes, is it prostate enlargement. Most of those type of things is those that actually also cause erectile dysfunction. So, you address the underlining cause of the problem rather than keep on taking the medicine almost every time. Definitely you cannot live your life forever on those type of medication”, Dr. Amofah explained.
Moreover, public health professional Sussan Amoasi proposed consumption of balanced diet and regular exercise as effective ways of enhancing sexual life rather than resorting to aphrodisiac.

“Healthy food or balanced diet does not mean that you heap it with meat or you heap it with oily food or you are always taking junk food. Man must live. So, you take a little bit of protein you make sure you have all the food groups in there especially fruits and vegetables depending on your age. If you are above 50 there is no need for you to be taking red meat. You should stick on to sea foods, you can take vegetables and you can take some plant protein instead of animal protein”, she emphasized.

She also stated that, “If you have never exercised do a little walking and then you intensify it as the day goes by. So, depending on your strength if you can walk, you walk briskly but make sure you sweat. If you can jog you jog, swimming is perfect. It is a good exercise that affects all parts of the body and because you do it with your own strength and capacity so you don’t overdo. So, golf, tennis, football, jogging and skipping, going for aerobics. They are all very good exercises that people can do”.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that are thought to increase sexual desire (or libido), enhance sexual pleasure, boost sexual attraction, and/or improve sexual performance. In recent times it has become a trend where the youth take aphrodisiacs to impress ladies of their sexual performance whiles the other ratio of men also take it to save their marriages.

And while many people think this is proven science, it’s actually unclear whether or not they work.
Unfortunately, people do not consider the safety of these drugs and consume the same without knowing their effects.

However, aphrodisiacs have more side effects than we can even imagine. These side effects include loss of sex drive, stroke or infertility, liver or kidney damage, hypotension and even heart seizure especially for the aged with underlying health conditions leading to death.

Source: Ghana/ Mensah