The Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA) has educated female students at the Accra High School on Women, Peace and Security. 

The event was part of Monitoring and Implementation of the Second Ghana National Action Plan (GHANAP II) on UNSCR 1325 funded by the Women’s Voices and Leadership-Ghana project under Plan Ghana which is to help give women a bigger voice in society.

The students had two separate presentations from the Project Officer for FOSDA, Dorothy Barnes and Group Captain, Sophia Adzo Jiagge from the Ghana Armed Forces.

On 25th June 2023, FOSDA also visited Mawuko Senior High School at Ho in the Volta region as part of the on-going GHANAP II events and interacted with the students on the Women Peace and Security outreach seminar.

Speaking to the Project Officer for FOSDA, Dorothy Barnes stated that the FOSDA team were at the Accra High school to educate the girls on Women, Peace and Security, as well as some careers they can attain in the Peace and Security sector.

“The girls were very receptive of the information we’ve shared. Before the presentation, we asked them whether they had any idea of what Women, Peace and Security was, the United Nations Security Resolution 1325 was, and none of them had ever heard of UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace and Security agenda.

“After our interaction with them we can also see that they have been made aware of some of the careers they can pursue. It seems that most of them had an idea of the traditional careers in the security sector, but we have come to inform them that it is not just the traditional peace and security we are looking at,” madam Barnes stated.

She continued: “We are also looking at peace and security, that talks about technology, human management, human resource and cyber security. Peace and security are very important for us, and they translate into every area of our lives. So if we want to build peace in this country, we should include everybody, and that includes young people and young women.”

The Project Officer for FOSDA indicated that the resource person from the Ghana Armed Forces also explained in detail what students have to know on recruitment.

“You could see that they were interested to know about what happens at the Ghana Armed Forces. Some of the opportunities for women and then the recruitment procedures that they as young girls can follow to enter the Ghana Armed Forces,” she added.

The students expressed gratitude to FOSDA for the education they have had on women, peace and security in the country.

“FOSDA came to educate us on some of the careers which you can acquire. Personally I want to join the army but I didn’t have much idea about it. So since they came they have really educated me on how to go about it and what to do in order to get to where I want,” a second year student, Elena Goevi stated.

Source: Ghana/