Some members of Minority in Parliament have clashed with the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs, Bryan Acheampong over the picketing by National Food Suppliers Association at the premises of National Buffer Stock Company for days now.

Mr. Acheampong is seen in the video accusing the Minority for coming along with the media to his office.

He stated that the Minority should have known better and not adopt the way they are handling the situation.

“You are a former deputy finance Minister, what do you know about these payments?” the Minister asked.

The Minority in response stated that the Agriculture Minister should not be the first person to get angry since they are stakeholders in making the nation better.  


Members of the National Food Suppliers Association continue picketing at the National Buffer Stock Company as they slept at the premise to register their displeasure over 270 million cedis debt owed them.

The members of the Association say they will not vacate the premises until they are paid.

Officials of the National Buffer Stock company are yet to comment on the issue.

The National Food Suppliers Association commenced picketing at the premises of the National Food Buffer Stock Company on Tuesday July 4, 2023.

Below is the video of the Minority and Mr. Bryan Acheampong in exchanges

Source: Ghana/