Techstripped Africa hosted the captivating and thought-provoking webinar, “Write the Future Right with AI,” on July 1, 2023, leaving attendees inspired and enlightened. The event focused on the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in Africa, featuring a lineup of esteemed speakers who shared their valuable insights on various AI-related topics.

Dr. Stephen Edward Moore, Co-founder of Ghana NLP and University of Cape Coast Lecturer, delivered a fascinating presentation on leveraging AI to address pressing challenges in Africa. He discussed solutions to overcome language barriers, highlighted ways AI can predict weather patterns to benefit farmers, and emphasized the role of AI in combating climate change. The groundbreaking work showcased through their Khaya App demonstrated the innovative use of Natural Language Processing to foster cross-community engagement among professionals and foreginers, and ultimately uplift the continent.

Samuel John, a Machine Learning Engineer at Kwame AI, delivered a compelling talk on bridging the AI skills gap in Africa. He shed light on the challenges faced in AI education and emphasized the importance of accessible AI learning opportunities. Samuel enthralled the audience by introducing Kwame AI’s Suacode AI, which empowers individuals with no technical background to learn coding on their mobile devices. He also teased their upcoming NSMQ AI, which will partake in the National Science and Maths Quiz program, demonstrating how AI can revolutionize learning in science and mathematics.

Erick Kombo, an AI Data Trainer and Prompt Engineer at OpenAI, provided insightful perspectives on the ethical considerations of AI development and deployment. He addressed data privacy concerns and bias in algorithms, stressing the need for inclusive and responsible AI systems. Erick drew from OpenAI’s established initiatives and guidelines to guide the development of ethical AI systems in Africa.

Charlette N’Guessan, AI Ambassador and founder of Bace Technologies, captivated the audience with her presentation on the potential of AI to drive economic growth and employment opportunities in Africa. She emphasized the positive impact of emerging AI technologies on entrepreneurship, innovation, productivity, job creation, and industry competitiveness across the continent. Charlette’s vision for harnessing AI’s potential lit a fire within attendees, inspiring them to imagine a future where Africa emerges as a global technological powerhouse.

Dr. Stéphane Nwolley, Founder and CEO of Npontu Technologies, joined the esteemed AI experts in an insightful discussion on the future perspectives of AI in Africa. Their collective wisdom shed light on Africa’s path to technological and economic leadership, highlighting the immense potential of AI to propel the continent forward. Discussing emerging trends, research and development initiatives, and collaborations, they painted a picture of Africa embracing the AI revolution and establishing itself as a global force to be reckoned with.

Techstripped Africa expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers and participants for their invaluable contributions to the event’s success. The webinar not only highlighted the commitment and enthusiasm of individuals and organizations in harnessing AI as a catalyst for progress and inclusive development in Africa but also left attendees fueled with passion and a collective belief in the power of AI to shape a brighter future for the continent.

Written by Kwame Owusu Ansah, Tech Writer and founder, Techstripped Africa

Source: Ghana/