As we gear up for the upcoming electoral commission limited registration exercise, it is crucial that we ensure proper preparation and organization at all levels of our party. Therefore, this write-up serves as a advice to all Constituencies, Wards and Branches to engage in regular meetings, while actively collating data in preparation for this important exercise.

The limited registration exercise is a vital opportunity for us to expand our party’s membership base with the E.C and engage with potential supporters. Through this exercise, we aim to enable eligible 18+years individuals who have not yet registered to vote, to do so. By actively participating and engaging in the limited registration exercise, we can reaffirm our commitment to democratic principles and strengthen our position in upcoming elections.

To ensure efficiency and effectiveness, it is essential that we all adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Meeting Commencement: Commence regular meetings at least twice in a week prior to the start of the electoral commission limited registration exercise. These meetings should serve as a platform for members to discuss strategies, share updates and insights, and allocate responsibilities for the registration exercise.
  2. Data Collation: During the meetings, each ward and branch should actively collate relevant data that would aid our preparations for the registration exercise. This includes identifying potential registration offices or centres, assessing the number of eligible voters in each area, and establishing proper communication channels with the electoral commission’s local office.
  3. Capacity Building: Encourage your members to participate in training and capacity-building sessions that may be offered by the electoral commission. This will equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively support the limited registration exercise within their respective Constituencies, Wards and Branches.
  4. Communication and Reporting: Establish a streamlined communication channel among all party wards and branches, ensuring prompt reporting of progress, challenges, and opportunities encountered during the preparation phase. Sharing insights and experiences will enhance our collective efforts and enable us to overcome obstacles swiftly.
  5. Cooperation with Electoral Commission Officials: Foster a spirit of cooperation and collaboration with the electoral commission officials assigned to oversee the limited registration exercise in your respective areas. Maintain regular contact and offer support wherever possible. This will strengthen our relationship with the commission and facilitate a smooth registration process.

I urge all party ward and branch executives including members to take this advice seriously and ensure its implementation without delay. The success of this limited registration exercise greatly hinges on your dedication, involvement, and meticulous preparation.

As a party, we are committed to serving the interests of our members and advocating for their representation in government while wining power come 2024 general elections. The limited registration exercise presents an invaluable opportunity to achieve these goals. Let us unite and work tirelessly to maximize our potential and secure a robust membership base.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment to our party. Together, we can make a significant impact and create a brighter future for our supporters and the nation at large.

Best regards,

Rev. Eric Sarfo Kantanka
Deputy Constituency Secretary.
Okai Koi North Constituency.

Source: Ghana/