A political analyst, Jonathan Asante Otchere has stated that Ghanaians are likely to support a coup should there be one because people are dissolution over bad governance.

But he was quick to add that coup cannot be the solution to the Ghanaian problem since it has not helped. 

“I had a little argument with colleagues on campus and they seem to be leaning to the fact that because of bad leadership should there be a coup in this country they will support it. I was taken aback because I felt that that is not the solution. We’ve seen it before and it has not really been the solution to our problems.

“But how do you blame this category of people for thinking in that particular manner? Because most people are dissolution and they don’t seem to have any headway,” Mr. Asante stated on Starr Today with Naa Dedei Tettey on Monday August 21, 2023.


A latest survey by Global Info Analytics says 49% of Ghanaians think coups are a durable solution to bad governance while 43% disagree with the remaining 8% having no opinion.

This comes on the back of the recent spate of coups in the West African Sub-Region with Niger being the latest casualty.

It marked the ninth coup or attempted seizure of power in just over three years in West and Central Africa.

Over the weekend, a delegation from ECOWAS met with the military Junta in Niger where they also met with the ousted President Mohammed Bazoum for the first time since his overthrow.

Niger’s military government leader, General Abdourahamane Tchiani has indicated that they remain open to dialogue while serving notice that a use of force in Niger to restore civilian rule will not be a walk in the park after threats from ECOWAS to use force.

However, the findings of the survey by Global Info Analytics further added that Ghanaians by majority of 53% to 36% would urge Parliament not to approve Ghana’s participation in the invasion of Niger.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM