The Chief Priest of Opoku Ware Hall at the Akenten Appiah-Minkah University of Skills Training (AAMUSTED), Prosper Owusu has been confirmed dead at the Komfo Anokye Teaching (KATH) in Kumasi.

The 23-years-old level 300 student who doubles as Chief Priest of Opoku Ware Hall, a member of the Dons spiritual group on the campus sustained severe burns while performing rituals on campus.

His traditional smock caught fire when he was displaying his traditional power with the company of his colleagues spiritualists from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Katanga hall.

“While he was displaying his smoke was on fire but he refused to pay attention claiming the fire had activated his fetish power. He later felt the fire was too much for him and quickly ran into a pool of water but it was too late for him.  

“We noticed he had sustained serious burns so we rushed him to Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Unfortunately he died a week after his admission,” a student narrated.

The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Komfo Anokye Morgue as his family begin preparation for his one week observation.

Source: Ghana/