Former President John Mahama has urged the Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) to conduct the upcoming limited voter registration exercise in all electoral areas.

According to him, conducting the exercise in all electoral areas will allow for easy access and a reduced burden on the citizenry in their quest to register.

“Acquiring a voter ID affirms one’s right to vote, and access to a voter ID should be easy and not limited by location. Every Ghanaian deserves the chance to exercise their democratic right.

“I strongly urge the Electoral Commission to facilitate the registration exercise in all electoral areas to allow for easy access and a reduced burden on the citizenry in their quest to register. I challenge the Commission to be transparent with the processes preceding the start of the limited voter registration exercise, the replacement of voter ID cards, and the transfer of votes.

“As has been requested in a formal letter to the Commission by the General Secretary of the NDC, we want to know when the names and pictures of the Registration Supervisors, Registration Officers, Registration Assistants, and other officials for the exercises will be published at the district level, as stipulated by the EC regulations,” Mr. Mahama indicated in a statement on the upcoming Limited Voter Registration Exercise.

The former President Mahama further stated that the NDC has also requested information on the exact number and distribution of workstations, registration kits, and other logistics.

“It is also our recommendation that in line with Regulation 2(2b) of C.I. 91, as amended by C.I. 126, the Commission listens to calls for the extension of the exercise to take place in the electoral areas and not be limited to the district offices of the Commission. This will curb many inconveniences, including transportation, lack of money to move from distant locations, and access.

“At this point, let me encourage my comrades in the NDC to put aside every other thing or activity and let’s give our maximum attention and focus to the upcoming exercise.

“Let me urge all my fellow citizens, especially the youth, to take this exercise seriously. It is your opportunity to hold your leaders accountable. It is about your rights; it is about your future! It is about our dear nation, Ghana.”

Source: Ghana/