Family of a 21-year-old nursing mother, Regina Asamoah, killed by an unknown assailant at Koforidua Asokore is demanding justice.

Regina Asamoah, a 21 year old new mother was stabbed multiple times in broad daylight on August 27, 2023 while with her three- month old daughter in a room at Koforidua -Asokore.

Regina died at the Eastern Regional hospital.

Regina completed Koforidua Senior High Technical School in 2022.

She however got pregnant after school and delivered.

However, her life was cut short by an unknown assailant(s).

Regina was found unconscious in a pool of blood stabbed multiple times on the belly.

Francis Antwi, widower, said the incident has come as a shock.

He said they were preparing for the naming ceremony of their baby this month.

“I am still in a shock because she told me she was going to her mother for a while only to be told she has been stabbed to death. We were even planning to do a naming ceremony.”

Esther Osaebea, mother in law called on Ghana Police service to speed up investigation to arrest the assailant(s).

The Effiduase District Police Command has however made no headway in the arrest of the perpetrators.

Barely a week ago, a 54 year old trader, Gloria Asare was allegedly robbed and killed by unknown assailant(s) on her way to buy cowhide meat in the same Asokore community.

Residents of Koforidua Asokore are worried about the recent killings therefore called for installation of streetlights while police intensifies patrols.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah