Young Couple Pose For Holiday Selfie On Clifftop. Photo Credit: iStock

The Royal Marine affair was a whirlwind of emotions and unexpected connections. It all began with a sense of something unspoken between us, an unacknowledged magnetic pull that neither of us could ignore. Time seemed to accelerate when we were together, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Neither of us could deny the impact we had on each other’s lives. You came into mine when I least expected it, filling a void I hadn’t even realized existed. It wasn’t about love from the start; it was more about mutual respect and carefully maintained boundaries. Perhaps it was the rivalry between our respective halls that kept us from exploring deeper feelings. Or maybe it was my admiration for our male hall, which made it difficult to admit to any emotions beyond friendship.

But nature had its own plans, and it seemed determined to break down our stubborn resistance. That first kiss was electric, a breach of the unspoken rules we had set. We briefly questioned if we could blame it on the alcohol, as people often do when they act on their desires. Yet deep down, we knew it wasn’t the alcohol; it was the undeniable connection between us.

As the night unfolded, we found ourselves drawn to each other, seeking warmth and comfort. The television was forgotten as the real tension between us ignited. Cuddles led to more intimate moments, and we shared a sweet and memorable night together. But as morning came, so did the silent treatment. Pride held us both captive, and neither was willing to be the first to break the silence.

The question loomed over us: could the universe be kind enough to rekindle what two secret lovers shared? What was the true nature of our bond? What is love? These questions remained unanswered as we navigated the uncharted waters of our complicated relationship. Only time will tell whether our connection will endure or fade into memory.

The Writer: Stella Aku Amevi

Twitter @Amevistella
Facebook: Stella Aku Amevi
Instagram: stella_amevi

Source: Ghana/


  1. Very relatable, Stella! It’s a part of romantic experience maturation. They aren’t all meant to last forever. Sometimes the lessons learned and positive experiences are all the value to make it worth for the two involved.

    Can’t wait to read the next one!

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