The National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah has sued the convener for Fix-The-Country movement Oliver Barker Vormawor in court over some allegation made by Mr. Barker-Vormawor.

This comes on the back of some allegations made by the Fix-The-Country Convener that the National Security and some government officials had met him and offered him money in order for him to stop his activism against the government.

This allegation has been refuted by the National Security Minister and subsequently has taken a court against Mr. Barker-Vormawor.

The Minister is seeking “recovery of the sum of Ten Million Ghana Cedis (GHC10,000,000.00) as General Damages including Aggravated and/or Exemplary Damages for Defamation for the words uttered by Defendant.”

“An apology for and retraction of the words complained of supra.

“A perpetual injunction restraining the Defendant from repeating similar or other defamatory words against the Plaintiff.”

Attached below is the full writ

Source: Ghana/