Forty- Seven out of 140 businesses in the Western Region, have benefitted from MTN Foundation’s Enterprise Support Programme in Takoradi.

These businesses will go through business development training for one month after which funds will be disbursed to support their projects.

The project, is expected to support 500 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for the next five years across Ghana and targets youth, women and differently abled led MSMEs. Selected beneficiaries will be supported with training, business development support, technical assistance and seed funding.

“It’s exciting because of the opportunity that you have now to change your lives and the lives of the people around you. There are countless examples of micro and small businesses becoming medium sized ones and fundamentally changing the fortunes of their owners. This is what the MTN Foundation seeks to do through this programme” Robert Kudzoe, Acting Chief Corporate Services and Sustainability Officer of MTN has said.

According to him, MTN understands the everyday challenge of funding businesses, no matter how small, in Ghana.

“I believe most, if not all, of us here have at one point or another approached or have been approached or by a relative, friend or a neighbour who needs help for financial assistance to expand their business. For the few who muster the courage to visit banks or other lenders, we know the issues they have with the repayment terms. This is why the Enterprise Support Programme is timely and useful” he added.

He said research shows that SMEs are net job creators in many countries. Not only do SMEs form around 85 percent of all businesses in Ghana but also account for over 70 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Products (GDP).

“Despite their enormous contributions to the development of Ghana’s economy, SMEs are still faced with several challenges, key amongst them being the lack of credit facilities, lack of access to appropriate technology, and inadequate managerial knowledge and skills” Mr. Kudzoe said.

To help address some of these challenges, he said MTN Ghana Foundation launched the Enterprise Support Programme. This project is in fulfillment of a commitment MTN Ghana made during the 25th anniversary celebration and is also in line with MTN’s ambition to create shared value for all.

“To the beneficiaries, I am very hopeful that through the skills, training and support you receive today, you will be able to meet your business aspirations. We hope that you will work hard to build sustainable businesses that provide opportunities for our rapidly growing labour force, especially women and youth. We hope that others will also benefit from the opportunity offered to you; I congratulate you as the first recipients of the MTN Ghana Foundation Enterprise Support Programme and wish you well” he added.

Hannah Boakye Asiamah, a beneficiary of MTN Ghana Foundation Enterprise Support Programme expressed gratitude to MTN for their support.

Source: Ghana/ Mensa