The youth wings of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Ashanti and Eastern Regions have announced their intention to join the “clean-up” exercise around the office of former President John Mahama on November 16, 2023.

This development coincides with the ‘Fixing the Country Movement’ plans to occupy the former President’s office on the same day, over airbus corruption allegations.

The ‘Fixing the Country Movement’ has stated that if they perceive a lack of progress in the Airbus Corruption investigations involving Mahama, they will proceed with occupying his office to picket.

They consider any nonchalant approach to the Airbus corruption affair as unacceptable and are calling on relevant parties to take immediate action.

Ernest Owusu Bempah, convener of the “Fixing the Country Movement,” claims they have received permission from the police to picket around the former President’s office.

Meanwhile, the Greater Accra Regional Youth wing of the NDC has chosen a different path for the same day.

They are planning to organize a clean-up exercise, offering an alternative approach to the day’s activities.

The decision to engage in a clean-up exercise on November 16th has been described as a collective choice by the youth organizers of the NDC in the Eastern and Ashanti Regions.

They intend to mobilize and equip the youth of the party with weeding tools and transport them to the vicinity of the former President’s office to participate in the clean-up activity.

Eastern Regional Youth Organizer Richard Etornam Nyarko told Starr News “It is a united decision by the youth wing of the party.It is so sad that the former president doesn’t have residency in Eastern region.I am sure if his residents was in Eastern region the guy wouldn’t have said that because there is no sense in it.Who is he to picket around the office of John Mahama for what? He needs to know his limit and if he has not been shown his limit I am sure that day he will know his limit.”

He added “I am throwing a challenge to him and I am daring him. If he is a man and he has too balls he should dare walk around the corners of John Mahama’s office. We will meet him squarely. We are going to do clean up exercise. I will go with my cutlass whatever weapon I have to help me weed around the house of Mahama I will carry it along and if he dares to join the exercise I will treat him like an enemy. Eastern region will be fully represented with cutlasses. I will treat Owusu Bempah like a snake when I see him around because we are going to clean everywhere and kill all snakes.”

Osman Abdullah Nabali, Ashanti Regional youth organizer also added that “We took it as a national youth program not a regional youth program. Our brother Amos is organizing from Greater Accra I will be organizing from Ashanti Region and I know Bilibo Will be organizing from Eastern region.  I don’t know how much of the security people they will bring, then they have to bring all police in greater Accra to protect them if not that we will weed them.”

The youth organizers expressed their strong disapproval of the intended occupation of Mahama’s office during the sidelines of the inauguration of the Eastern Regional Youth Working Committees of the opposition NDC.

The 25 member Eastern Regional Youth Wing working committee is chaired by Osei Bonsu Alexander.

Other sub committees such as Events and Media, Finance and welfare are chaired by Samuel Bossman, Isaac Senior Damptey and Eryk Kwasi Agyapong respectively.

Osman Ayariga, a deputy national youth organizer who oversaw the inauguration of the committees, encouraged committee members to be innovative and work within the framework of the party’s constitution to help the NDC secure victory in the 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections.

He warned them never to attempt to usurp powers of the elected executives of the party rather work in collaboration with them.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah