The Ministry of Youth and Sports has urged the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to create an environment free from violence and hooliganism at all football match venues.

In a statement the Ministry described the attack on coach of Nsoatreman FC, Mr. Maxwell Konadu as reprehensible.

The Ministry stated that football is a unifying force adding that it is disheartening to witness incidents that tarnish the beautiful game.

“Furthermore, the Ministry calls on the Ghana Football Association to work closely with all necessary stakeholders to enhance security at all match venues.

“The safety of teams, players and spectators should be paramount and concerted efforts must be made to create an environment free from violence and hooliganism,” the Ministry added.

Meanwhile, the Police have arrested suspect Seidu Musah alias Gaswan in connection with the attack on the coach of Nsoatreman FC, Mr. Maxwell Konadu.

“The suspect, together with one other person, currently on the run, attacked the coach during a football game, yesterday, 19th November 2023, at the Sunyani Coronation Park,” the Ghana Police Service narrated.

According to the Police, suspect Seidu Musah is currently in Police custody assisting the investigation while efforts are still ongoing to get the other suspect arrested to face justice.

“We will surely get him,” the Police assured in a statement.

Attached is the full statement from the Ministry of Youth and Sports

Source: Ghana/