The Electoral Commission (EC) has laid a Constitutional Instrument and Regulation for the creation of Guan constituency for residents of Santrokofi, Akpafu, Lolobi and Likpe otherwise known as SALL.

Majority leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu today laid Representation of the People (Parliamentary Constituencies) (Amendment) Instrument, 2023 and District Electoral Areas and Designation of Units (Amendment) Regulation aimed at given birth to the Guan constituency.

Residents of the communities were not allowed to vote in the 2020 which has left them without an MP ever since.

Speaking to the development after the papers were laid, Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin welcomed the move which according to him will cure what he describes as a cardinal sin against the people of SALL.

“Honorable Members the Representation of the People’s Parliamentary Constituencies Amendment 2023 is referred to the Committee on Subsidiary Legislation for consideration and report to the House.

“This is the Instrument that is likely to save this house and forgive them for the cardinal sin, we are said to have committed. It deals with the issue of the SALL and a number of them have now come up for consideration at the house,” Mr. Bagbin stated.

Starr News has gathered that the Electoral Commission (EC) barring a change of mind will present other amendments to parliament for creation of additional constituencies as announced by deputy commissioner in charge of administration Dr. Bossman Asare.

Source: Ghana/ Alhassan