Parliament has approved the 2024 budget statement and economic policy of the government presented by Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta three weeks ago. 

The process towards the approval was truncated last week by a walkout by the majority. 

When the matter was tabled true to assertions by first Deputy Speaker, Joseph Osei-Owusu in an earlier interview with GHOne News the convention of subjecting budget statements and economic policies to parliamentary approvals, former Attorney General Joe Ghartey raised the matter. 

He asked speaker for directions on the matter.

Bawku Central Member of Parliament, Mahama Ayariga however rejected the assertions of the former Attorney General.

Speaker consequently directed for the headcount to take place.

His directive for names to be called was however resisted by the Majority but only for a while.

After the counting the speaker announced the results of 138 majority and 136 minority with Assin North MP James Gyakye Quayson absent as a result of a medical treatment he’s seeking in Canada.

Source: Ghana/