The Minister of Sanitation and Water resources Honourable Fredda Prempeh and Member of Parliament for Tano North, has reiterated her call on the crucial role women play as the center of development.

Her remarks highlighted the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment in driving sustainable progress across all sectors.

Speaking to journalists after completing her vetting process, Hon. Fredda Prempeh stressed that achieving true development requires recognizing and harnessing the potential of women in society.

She emphasized that when women are given equal opportunities to participate in decision-making processes, access education, healthcare, economic resources, and hold leadership positions, the entire community benefits. She reemphasized the proverbial statement of Ghanaian Philosopher and Scholar, Dr. Kwegyir Aggrey that “if educate a man, you educate an individual but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

Hon. Fredda Prempeh pointed out that studies consistently show a strong correlation between gender equality and economic growth. The Minister, who is the only female Member of Parliament in the Bono and Ahafo regions, underscored how investing in women’s health is not only a matter of human rights but also essential for overall societal well-being.

“When women have access to quality healthcare services, reproductive rights, and maternal care, it leads to healthier families, stronger communities, and reduced poverty rates”, she added.

The MP emphasized that increasing female representation in political leadership is crucial for achieving inclusive governance. As a female parliamentarian, she said women bring unique perspectives, priorities, and experiences to decision-making processes, leading to more comprehensive and effective policies that address the needs of all citizens.

Hon. Fredda Prempeh highlighted the significant role women play in promoting peace and security within communities. Women’s involvement in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction efforts has been proven to lead to more sustainable and lasting peace.

The Member of Parliament called for concerted efforts from governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and individuals to prioritize gender equality as a fundamental principle of development. She stressed that achieving gender equality requires dismantling systemic barriers, eliminating discriminatory practices, and challenging societal norms that perpetuate gender-based inequalities.

Hon. Fredda Prempeh also emphasized the importance of investing in programmes and initiatives that empower women economically. This includes providing access to financial resources, business training, and mentorship opportunities. She highlighted successful examples where women-led businesses have thrived, resulting in job creation, economic growth, and poverty reduction.

The MP’s advocacy for gender equality, women’s empowerment, and their central role in development echoes global commitments such as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.
As Ghana continues its journey towards sustainable development, the government remains committed to implementing policies and programs that promote gender equality, women’s empowerment, equal opportunities, and inclusive growth. Hon. Fredda Prempeh’s message resonates with ongoing efforts aimed at creating a society where every woman can thrive, contribute fully, to achieve her aspirations while driving progress for all.

Hon. Freda Prempeh, a three-time Member of Parliament for Tano-North Constituency, was a former Minister Deputy Minister for Works and Housing as well as the former Deputy Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection. She also served as the Minister of State, Ministry of Works and Housing as well as the Minister of State, Office of the President. Currently, she is the Minister for Sanitation and water resources.

Prior to becoming a Member of Parliament, she worked with the Prison Service for ten years. She also served on the National Reconciliation Commission as a Public Affairs Officer from in 2006.
She is an Accredited member of the Institute of Public Relations (IPR, Ghana); an Associate Member of Institute of Public Relations (IPR) Ghana and an Affiliate Member of the Journalists Association (GJA).

Source: Ghana/ Justice Bediako