Asante Akim Agogo based local radio station Salt 95.9 FM operating the Ashanti region has been shut down by the security agencies in the district.

The reason behind the closure of the Twi broadcasting radio station is immediately unknown.

GHOne News source in the farming Community indicates that security officers on Tuesday 6th February 2024 stormed the station and disconnected their equipment without any reason.

The owner of the station, Ohene Kwame Frimpong is said to have planned a health walk in Agogo last Sunday, February 4, 2024.

But the health walk was also stopped by the security agencies at the 11th hour citing the Public Order Act.

Other reason given was he had not notified the police about the public gathering.

On Tuesday afternoon, many people in Agogo gathered at the frontage of the radio station to inquire about what was happening.

Some youth wearing red armbands danced to brass band music at the frontage of the radio station.

Source: Ghana/ Bediako