The National Organizer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Joseph Yammin, has taken it out hard on President Akufo-Addo for what he describes as the president’s continued disrespect towards the people of the Ashanti Region.

According to Yammin, it was the height of disrespect towards the family of the late John Kumah and the people of Ejisu for the president to have celebrated his 80th birthday amidst the singing of a happy birthday song at the one-week ceremony of the departed MP.

Speaking in an interview with Kojo Marfo on AbusuaNkommo on Abusua 96.5 FM; Yammin noted that the President’s disrespect did not start today, but from the day he was sworn into office in 2017.

“Akufo-Addo’s first act of disrespect was towards the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, in 2017.

“When Akufo-Addo became President of Ghana, the first funeral he attended in the Ashanti Region as President was Otumfuo’s mother’s death. At the time, the whole world was mourning with Otumfuo, but Akufo-Addo wore a fugu (traditional smock) and shorts. This was the highest disrespect to Ashanti Culture.”

Yammin further argued that a person of the caliber of President Akuffo Addo who hails from a traditional home should have known better and done the needful.

 “Akuffo-Addo is from the Kyebi Royal Palace and should know better. Asante culture dictates that we wear a cloth for funerals, not fugu. He, celebrating his birthday at the funeral grounds is not news,” he stated. Akuffo Addo is from the Kyebi Royal Palace, so he must know better that the traditional wear for a funeral is wearing clothes”, he stated.

While demanding that the president repented of his ways, Yammin contended that Ashantis owed it a responsibility to their lineage to fight for and defend their culture.

Source: Ghana/ Owusu