The flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama says he will set a new standard in the fight against corruption in his next government.

According to him, he is going to fight corruption vigorously and defeat it.

He made these statements while addressing the Christian Ecumenical Council as part of his #BuildingGhana interactions.

The former President also stated that persons within his administration who engage in corruption will be dealt in accordance with the law.

“I make a firm promise to you my Christian fathers that the administration that I will lead will set a new standard in the fight against corruption. We will fight the canker of corruption and defeat it. We will retrieve stolen monies, and hold people in government accountable.

“We are not only going to pursue regime accountability. The norm has been that it is only the past government that you hold accountable for acts of corruption. We will ensure that those in our government who also indulge in corruption will be held accountable. So we will not go witch-hunting the past government if people have been in malfeasance they must be held to account and if people in our administration also follow the same path they must be held to account. It is only that way we will be able to get a hand on the cancer of corruption.”

Source: Ghana/