Kan Dapaah National security Minister-designate

The National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah has emphasized the need for enhanced cooperation amongst security agencies in West Africa warning no country in the sub-region is immune to terror attack.

Terror activities with operations profound in the sahel regions have in recent times seeped through some sub-Saharan countries raising alarm of its potential proliferation into the south.

But speaking at the launch of the “Support to strengthen capacities for promoting efficiency in the implementation of the Accra Initiative (AI) in West Africa and the Sahel” project by Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), in collaboration with the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Albert Kan-Dapaah says recent trends and activities show the sub-region is at risk of becoming a hub of terrorist groups.

“We are aware of the terrorist threat situation in West Africa which continues to deteriorate with Burkina, a direct neighbour to Ghana, emerging as the epicenter of the threat, accounting for 26% of all terrorist attacks and a quarter of all deaths due to terrorism in the world,” he explained.

“Again, recent attacks in the literal West African states Togo, Benin, Cote d’ivoire, have accentuated the long-held notions of a south west drift of terrorism from the Sahara to coastal West Africa. And it has become evident that no country, no country within the West African region is completely immune to the terrorist onslaught,” he added.

“In effect, the entire West African region risk becoming a theater for the terrorist groups and we should take this very seriously. And this, I believe, I must close the need for collective action anchored on enhanced cooperation among West African states.”, he emphasized.

Meanwhile, UNDP Ghana Resident Representative, Dr. Angela Lusigi urged countries not to derail progess made towards the SDGs as about 5 years remain, pledging her outfits commitment to peace in the region.

“As UNDP, we remain steadfast in our commitment to support all your efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism. As we embark on this endeavor, let us reaffirm our unwavering commitment to peace, security, and prosperity in the region,” she said.

“Let me take the opportunity to recall our shared commitment to achieve the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and African Unions Agenda 2063. With only 5 years left, we must not lose the gains we have made over the last 10 years,” she further charged.

The Accra Initiative, launched in 2017 by Ghana during its Chairmanship of ECOWAS, aims to prevent the spillover of terrorism from the Sahel into coastal West African nations.

Through intelligence-sharing and coordinated border security, the initiative seeks to address transnational organized crime and violent extremism.

The Project seeks to contribute to strengthening the capacity and collaboration on the Accra Initiative among its member states and with civil society to be able to tackle peace and security threats including violent extremism in the region, while also promoting community resilience.

The KAIPTC-led “support to strengthen capacities for promoting efficiency in the implementation of the Accra Initiative (AI) in West Africa and the Sahel” project will run on three inter-linked project components: research, dialogue and capacity development. To address the evolving security threats faced by countries south of Mali, including the members of the Accra Initiative, this project aims to:
• Strengthen skills and knowledge of state and non-state actors involved in the initiative.
• Build community resilience to reduce threats to peace and security.
• Encourage wider civilian and community involvement by building trust to create safer and more secure communities.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM/Edem Kojo