
Government through the Minister for Communication and Digitalization has announced a partnership with seven industry leaders to develop a new shared internet infrastructure aimed at delivering affordable 5G mobile broadband services across Ghana.

The seven partners which form the Next-Gen Infrastructure Company (NGIC) include Ascend Digital, K-NET, Radisys, Nokia, Tech Mahindra, and two telecommunications companies – AT Ghana and Telecel Ghana.

Speaking during a press briefing in Accra, the Minister for Communication and Digitization, Ursula Owusu-Ekufful said the NGIC which will launch 5G internet services which aims at enhancing the lives of Ghanaians by introducing digital services in education, healthcare, and digital payment transactions , reduce the digital divide and promote financial inclusion.

NGIC’s equity will be held by the public of Ghana, Ascend Digital, K-NET, all mobile operators in Ghana and other private investors including the technology providers who may wish to join the consortium,” she stated.

Mrs Ursula Owusu- Ekuful indicated that internet users in Ghana can now look forward to faster and more affordable mobile data after rolling it out within the next six months.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM/Akokroba Nyarko