Former Chairperson of the People’s National Convention, Benard Mornah has criticized the National Investigation Bureau (NIB) for a survey it conducted regarding a running mate to the New Patriotic Party’s Presidential Candidate, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

This comes on the back of an alleged leaked survey conducted by the NIB that the New Patriotic Party base strongly wants Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh to be chosen as running mate to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Speaking with Starr News’ Naa Dedei Tettey, Mr. Mornah said the national security outfit should concern itself with the flagbearers of the political parties who could win power and not a political exercise.

“As to why the National Investigation Bureau will expend resources into a matter that is purely internal should just tell you that President Akufo-Addo actually aims at using every state institution to do his bidding,” he stated.

He pointed out that as part of its national security mandate the Bureau was to assess the political situation before, during and after elections with the goal of ensuring peace and stability.

According him, it is dangerous for the Bureau to embark on a survey whose sole aim was to benefit the NPP.

“As it stands now and the report that we have seen it is an exclusive and now they are talking about the role Alan Kyerematen’s campaign is playing, they are talking about the role my brother Cheddar’s campaign is playing and that it is going to affect the chances of Bawumia so the National Investigation Bureau has moved from the realms of being a national institution to that of being a partisan institution and that is scary for us,” the PNC former leader said.

Source: Ghana/ Asare Amoamah