The Co-Chair of the Citizen’s Movement Against Corruption (CMAC), Mr. Edem Senanu says there are young individuals within the audit sector who possess the necessary skills and expertise to effectively work as the Auditor General.

President Akufo-Addo has extended the tenure of the office of the Auditor-General, Mr. Johnson Akuamoah Asiedu for the next two years.

Mr. Akuamoah Asiedu was due for statutory retirement from Service on 1st August 2024.

However, a letter from the Audit Service indicated the President has extended his tenure.

But, speaking on Morning Starr with Francis Abban, Mr. Senanu advocated a fresh appointment for the Auditor General instead of a contract renewal.

He believes that it would be beneficial to appoint a new candidate for the position of Auditor General rather than extending the current contract.

“We had the ruling where the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional by the Presidency even though they had argued that they knew what they were doing. Then the next person is given a post-retirement contract for another two years what changed? It begins to raise questions about what it is that ‘A’ did or did not do and ‘B’ did or did not do. So it’s inconsistent in terms of administrative policy and it does not leave a very good impression of how things are being managed.

“I think we should demand it, and I think it makes a lot of sense from a policy perspective to the point of understanding the criteria utilized in the decision to the extent in this instant. Because otherwise it begins to make a lot of people feel uncomfortable and it sets the kind of precedent we don’t need. If you want to be very effective in managing government institutions and processes. You can’t have one arbitrarily seeming decision followed by another that seems not to follow any specific trajectory in terms of the position and criteria that informed why you are extending,” Mr. Senanu stated.

He continued: “So we need to demand clarity on how they arrive at this decision to extend because I am quite sure that we have many people who will still qualify if they do a proper search for that position. There is a vast array of potential professionals in the state and the opportunity to go through the search to identify a new candidate to occupy that office”.

Source: Ghana/ Acquaah