George Quaye, the Chief Executive Officer of Image Bureau, has voiced his disappointment following the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Food and Drug Authority’s (FDA) ban on celebrities endorsing alcoholic beverages.

Quaye emphasized the need for a more proactive and balanced approach by the FDA to address the underlying issues.

“Well, the court has spoken. For us, I don’t think the war is between FDA and celebrities or people with a certain level of popularity,” Quaye remarked. “We’re all seeking to ensure that we have a safe society where kids can grow without being influenced negatively by anything. But we always need to look at the broader picture.”

Quaye criticized the FDA’s approach, suggesting that while the intent to protect children from negative influences is valid, the execution should not undermine the livelihoods of those in the entertainment industry. “Yes, you want to implement laws, but you need to implement those laws in such a way that you do not take food out of someone’s mouth. Everybody deserves to be able to work in Ghana,” he asserted.

He further elaborated on the potential positive impact celebrities can have on society, arguing that they can be instrumental in raising children positively due to their significant influence and following. “Celebrities are people who can help raise children positively. They have a certain class, a certain following that people look up to. So you need to find creative ways to rather use them and endear them toward your brand and pull them to your side,” Quaye said.

Calling for a middle ground, Quaye urged the FDA to collaborate with celebrities to find mutually beneficial solutions that protect children while allowing for the continued professional engagement of public figures. “I think what the FDA needs to do is to find a middle ground, to sit with these popular people and find the best way to ensure that we can all eat, we can all educate, we can all inspire, and we can all ensure that alcoholic beverages are not destroying our children,” he concluded.

Source: Ghana/ Mensah