The Convener for the ‘Hands off Our Hotels’ demonstration, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa says President Akufo-Addo must immediately halt the sale of the SSNIT Hotels to Bryan Acheampong.

This comes on the back of Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) almost done with the deal of selling its 60% shares in Labadi Beach Hotel, LA Palm Royal Beach Resort, Ride Royal Hotel, and Elmina Beach Resort to Rock City Hotel.

Meanwhile, the most anticipated demonstration will start from the Labadi Beach Hotel to the seat of government, Jubilee House where the organizers will present their demand to the presidency today Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

Addressing a press conference ahead of the demonstration on Tuesday, the lawmaker stated President Akufo-Addo has not yet made any meaningful statement on the sale of the hotels.

 He added “that President Akufo-Addo must immediately stop the sale of our SSNIT hotels. We want an immediate declaration from the president because since we started, all he has done is tell Organised Labour to go and meet the Employment Minister. At which meeting, Organised Labour told us that they tried to convince them to allow the sale, so clearly, the president and his appointees don’t want to stop the sale, and we are going to insist that they back out.”

However, Mr. Ablakwa has petitioned the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) to probe the sale of six hotels including Labadi Beach Hotel, La Palm Royal Beach Resort, Elmina Beach Resort, Ridge Royal Hotel, Busua Beach Resort, and the Trust Lodge Hotel to Bryan Acheampong.

But SSNIT in response indicated that based on its criteria set out for the sale, Rocky City submitted the best among the proposals.

“Based on the criteria set out in the RFP, Rock City Hotel submitted the best and strongest technical and financial proposal amongst those received. Consequently, it is in negotiation with SSNIT to buy a 60% stake in each of the four (4) hotels (Labadi Beach Hotel, La Palm Royal Beach Resort, Ridge Royal Hotel, and Elmina Beach Resort),” SSNIT added in a statement.

Source: Ghana/